The cave and the souterroscope
It is in a conservation area with grazing goats and sheep , in the heart of a vast wooded limestone plateau overlooking the gorges of the Siagne , that hides for millennia a jewel of Nature : The cave of Baume Obscure
Grotte de Baume obscure
Etymologically this name means “the dark cave”. “Baume” comes in fact from the Latin word “balma” which means a rock shelter, a cavern or a cave.
Nine more or less large caves were surveyed on the Baume Obscure site. Three of them are linked: the Cypress cave, the Loube cave and the Services cave.
They form an underground network which is 1,200 metres in length and 80 metres deep. One part of it, spanning approximately 500 metres, has been fitted with stairs and footbridges so people can visit the most interesting tunnels and rooms.